Creating Long Term Wellness

Achieving a Pain-free Lifestyle Though Regular Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care works around the principle that the relationship between the body’s structure and its function affects health. The spine not only acts as the main support for our body, it also protects the spinal cord, which connects a large part of the peripheral nervous system to the brain. This is why a minor injury to the spine or overuse of muscles can significantly alter a body’s strength, sensation, and performance.
The rise and advancement of chiropractic treatments over the last decade coincides with the growing prevalence of chronic low back pain and other muskoskeletal conditions. Spinal manipulation or correction is the most common treatment sought by patients in the US. This has prompted researchers to study the effectiveness and safety of such treatments, and the most recent finding is that regular chiropractic care plays an important role in restoring health.
Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care
A study conducted by the National Institutes for Health (NIH) reveals that spinal manipulation or mobilization is an effective treatment for adults with acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain, migraine, and cervicogenic headache and dizziness. It also proves to be an effective treatment for several extremity joint conditions. Thoracic manipulation also offers healing benefits to people with acute or subacute neck pain.
When enhanced with other soft tissue techniques and therapeutic exercises, manipulative treatments can effectively correct an injury and restore the body’s optimal function. Maintenance care also prevents minor injuries from becoming permanent and allows for improved posture, enhanced function, and better endurance and athletic performance.
Advanced Techniques and Treatments
A substantial body of literature exists to support the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care. Advanced tools and methods are in place to make treatments more cost-effective and comfortable for patients. The literature also states that a manual correction approach proves to be the most effective approach to chiropractic spinal manipulation.
The Insight Subluxation Station is a surface EMG (electromyography) technology also widely used by chiropractors to properly diagnose a condition and develop a personalized care plan for each patient.
The Holistic Approach to Long-Term Wellness
A holistic approach is common among advanced chiropractic maintenance care. In addition to a personalized treatment program, practitioners would suggest other rehabilitative exercises and soft tissue therapies, as well as dietary and lifestyle modifications.
The chiropractors and upper cervical care experts at Limitless Chiropractic stress that regular visits to a chiropractor helps ensure the continued health of your muskoskeletal system so you can engage in the activities you love. Long-term care also helps you avoid future aches and pains, as your chiropractor can detect and correct minor misalignments before they become symptomatic.
Millions of Americans suffering from joint problems and chronic pain dream of having a pain-free life. While medication therapies offer quick fixes to these problems, routine chiropractic care offers long-term relief. Chiropractic care does focus on protecting and enhancing the communication pathways of the spinal cord and nerve roots, thus safely managing pain and a range of conditions without the use of drugs.